Pictures of Tay and Frosty as Promised

So here is the picture of the two on Christmas Eve day. Taylor is 27 months old (that is three months over two for you non kid friends) and Frosty is 36 1/2! I have had Frosty for 22 years as of Christmas 2005. We've been together longer then most married couples!
Christmas was quiet, quiet for us and quiet for the horses. We have begun to separate the youngest foal, Eloquence. She comes into the big stall with Elliott her older sister, and Secret and Cameron the two yearlings. However there are some boards that need fixed on the one side of the stall and it's about 2 foot 3 inches. So everynight after the grain is gone Elliott and Eloquence jump out! I guess I'm training them to sell them as jumpers. I need to take pictures of those two hairballs tomorrow and then I can post those!
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